Second and fourth Tuesday of every month, 5:30 PM
The goal of the Wharton Leads Council is to share business leads and contacts, help each other grow our businesses and gain valuable strategic insights into our marketing strategies and those of our customers. The Leads Council is particularly valuable for any Wharton Grad who owns a growing business or professional practice.
The Council gets together on regular basis. Each member spends 1-2 minutes describing his/her business and the types of clients/customers he/she is interested in pursuing. The group shares and discusses leads. Usually one member spends 10-15 minutes presenting in more detail his/her business/practice, its business opportunities and challenges.
Wharton Leads Council meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM at the offices of Merrill Lynch. Please RSVP to Frank Li if you plan to attend: 412 566 6567 or [email protected] or to [email protected]. Merrill Lynch's office address is: U.S . Steel Tower, 600 Grant Street, 49th Floor, Pittsburgh.